Zoanthropes, a brood of 3 tyranid warriors, a huge brood of Genestealers led byĪ Brood Lord, 3 biovores, 3 Lictors, a brood of 9 Ravener, a mawloc, and Then the Tyranids, led by a Tervigon : two broods of 20 Hormagaunts, 3 Squad of Scout with camo cloak, a devastator squad, 4 sniper rifles, and a Squad with jump packs, a Predator with a Lascannon and two heavy bolters, and a Tactical squads embarked in Rhinos, a Dreadnought with twin-linked heavy flamerĪnd heavy flamer embarked in a drop pod, a squad of Terminators, an assault The Ultramarines, led by a Captain on a Bike and his biker squad : Two The Ultramarines, on the deserted lands of Maccrage ! Space Marine game around 1700 points, the Hive Fleet Behemoth fighting against The first game I'll cover was played yesterday, a simple Tyranid. Note that english is not my native language, so please excuse all the spelling and grammar mistakes. Reading them, and if I didn't mess it up horribly. If the format works, if people that do not play the game are interested in Making battle reports from time to time, so this is basically a pilot, to see Warhammer 40k tabletop community on roll20 is growing, and I wanted to start